Overzicht van Dr. T. Lobsang Rampa books:
Nr. |
Jaar | Aankoop datum | Prijs | ISBN | Foto | Boek Titel + omschrijving |
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19'40 /19'80 | ? | ? |
0552097675 / 0552115630 0552097675 is also Twilight |
Not found yet |
1e Tibetan Sage Very Good Used 158 pages, minor edge & corner wear, name stamped on first page, tiny nick on rear cover, light scuff to covers, clean with tight wraps. Book tells of Rampa's experiences as a young boy in the Lamerseries of tibet. Travelling with his Guide, the Lama Mingyar Dondup, into the timeless world of the caves of Potala, the young disciple witnesses breath-taking visions and phenomena of the past and future. |
1 | 1956 | 07 jun 2002 | € 13,45 |
NL |
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2e Het Derde oog. Onthulling van een Tibetaanse monnik In Tibet - land van grote rijkdom en onvoorstelbare armoede - heeft een kleine groep mensen de macht in één opslag de diepste gedachten van anderen te kunnen doorgronden, hun angsten en vreugde te herkennen en eventuele ziektes vast te stellen. Dit is de macht van het Derde oog. De Tibetaanse monnik Lobsang Rampa is een de bevoorrechte mensen, bij wie het Derde Oog werd geopend. In dit meeslepende boek vertelt hij hoe hij, als jongetje van nauwelijks zeven jaar, zijn ouderlijk huis verliet en zijn intrede deed in een tempel van Tibetaanse geneeskunst. Daar studeerde hij onder leiding van een aantal grote meesters en werd ingeleid in de geheimen van helderziendheid, levitatie en astrale projectie, om uiteindelijk na veel beprovingen zijn land als Lama te verlaten. |
x | 1956 / 12 June 1986 | ? | ? |
2e Third Eye
T. Lobsang Rampa was preordained to be a Tibetan priest, a sign from the
stars that could not be ignored. When he left his wealthy home to enter the
monastery, his heart was filled with trepidation, with only a slight
knowledge of the rigorous spiritual training and physical ordeal that
awaited him . . . . |
2 | 1959 | 15 jun 2002 | € 13,75 |
NL |
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astrale lichamen, wat iets heel anders is. Dat heeft echter niets te maken met dit boek. Mijn opleiding was inderdaad zeer intensief, orridat ik niet alleen mijn gespecialiseerde vakken op het gebied van geneeskunde en chirurgie moest kennen, maar ook alle schriften; ik moest immers, behalve als geneeskundige lama, ook slagen als religieuze lama, als volledig opgeleide priester. Het was dus noodzakelijk om voor twee richtingen tegelijk te studeren en dat betekende tweernaal zo hard studeren als de gemiddelde leerling. Niet dat dit idee me nu erg aantrok! |
3(4) | 1960 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
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4e The Rampa Story
(Tibet) Few books have aroused so much controversy, interest and correspondence in recent years as have Lobsang Rama's best-sellers and "The Rampa Story" is no exception. In this book, for his great body of readers and in reply to all his critics, Lobsang Rampa tells the extraodinary and fascinating story of his life and conveys w wealth of invaluable knowledge about the mysteries of the hidden world.
x | July 1, 1992 | ? | ? |
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4e The Rampa Story (Tibet)
The powers of the Lama are unsurpassed in the West: here are insights into
the Akashic records, reincarnation as well as Rampa's journey to unexplored
dimensions and realms where he encounters a variety of spiritual teaachers
and has adventures with supernatural beings. |
4(4) | 1963 | 20 jul 2002 | €4,- |
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5e The cave of the Ancients. The provocative true story of on man's passage into the great mysteries of life and lightenment (Dr. T. Lobsang Rampa) It is a way of life that may now be destroyed for all time, a spitual culture with roots in the ancient world, the remote lamaseries of Tibet. It is here that T. Lobsang Rampa journeyed on the road to self awareness, to these age-old repositories of wisdom -where the lamas learn the meaning of life and death, where the mysterious relationship between the mind and brain is uncovered, where the secrets of hypnotism, telepathy, clairvoyance and reincarnation are a part of daily life. Here too Rampa learned power - but not for abuse or misuse. For the power of supreme enlightenment and universal knowledge is only offered to a chosen few, to these introduced to the strange and exciting world of... |
17(4) |
1964 | 2 jan 2005 | €4,- |
0552084085 |
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6e Living with the
is Lobsang Ramapa's account of his mystical communoin with his cat, Mrs Fifi Greywhiskers |
5(4) | 1965 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
0552072486 |
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7e Wisdom of the Ancients
is indeed a suitable title for this fascinating book. The larger part of it consist of a Dictionary of the occult, and Dr Rampa has called upon his great knowledge and experience to explain fully and very comprehensibly many of the mysteries of the hidden world. Following the dictionary are four supplements on Breathing, Stones, Foodstuff and Exercises. Orginally Dr. Ramapa intended to call this book "Just a World" His publishers felt, however, that this was too modest a title for a book which contained so much invaluable information. |
6(4) | 1965 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
0899667759 |
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8e You for ever
In thirty lessons, Rampa teaches the fundamentals of the metaphysical sciences. Step-by-step instructions teach you how to see the etheric, auras, travel in the astral plane, develop clairvoyance, and much, much more. |
7 | 1966 | 20 jul 2002 | €4,31 |
NL |
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9e De Saffranen Mantel (Tibet) Hoog in de ijle lucht van de Himalaya ligt het grote Tibetaanse lamaklooster de Potala. Hier kwam Lobsang Rampa als jongeman de leringen van Boeddha bestuderen Door zijn ogen maken wij kennis met de mystieke schoonheid van het Boeddhisme, vernemen van het leven van Prins Gauama en zijn ontdekking van de Middelste weg, de Vier Edele Waarheden en de staat van Nirwana. Dit is het persoonlijke relaas van de overgang van een vermetele en soms ongehoorzame longeling tot een ernstige, nadenkende jongeman, die over uitzonderlijke zintuiglijke vermogens beschikt. |
x | 1966 | ? | ? | ? |
Not found yet |
9e The Safron Robe (Tibet) |
8(4) | 1967 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
055207652X |
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10e Chapters of life Lobsang Rampa, mystic sage and student of the Astral, offers another of his profound disertations on the progress of the pyshic world. Here he foretells the disasters and happenings of the future, the vents to come that will purify and evolve a new cycle of life |
9(4) | 1969 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
0552081051 |
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11e Beyond the tenth give advice and teachings on the care of man's physical and spititual forms. Preparation on the present plane of existence can equip man more fully for the life which commences in the Astral World. Beyond the Tenth is a book that will bring comfort and learning to many-but especially to those who are students and disciples of T. Lobsang Rampa |
x | 1970 | ? | ? | ? | Not found yet | 12e Avivando La LLama |
16(4) | 1970 / 1978 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
0552107077 and 0685913023 |
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13e Three Lives This book continues the theme of Dr Rampa's previous book I Believe in that it is a further statement of his personal belief in life after death and his thougths on the nature of the afterlife. Fredd from prejudice, free from the dogmas of organised religion. Dr Rampa beliefs have been formed by years of study, years of offering comfort and inspiration of his countless followers all over the world.
14(4) | 1973 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- | 0685509877 and 0552093904 |
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14e Candle light Most of the letters Dr. Rampa receives are full of questions about all aspects of metaphysics - pendulums, dowsing, how to levitate, how to teleprt, etc. In Candlelight, Dr. Rampa answers all these questions and more, also replying to queries about God, good and evil, acupuncture and his views of everyday life and the press. This Dr. Rampa fourteeth book which will certainly, as have its predecessors, "bring illumination to some, hope to others"- in particular, to his many students and followers all over the world. |
13(4) | 1975 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- | 0552097675 = same nr as Tibetan Sage |
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15e Twilight is Dr Rampa fifteenth book. He devotes the greater part of it to answering some of the many questions ha has received from his readers on such controversial subjects as.. UFO's Astral Travel The power of prayer Buddhism Marriage and Divorce The Aura Witchcraft and Possession The laws of Kharma Fasting and Hypnotism Twilight will fasinate and en;ighten new readers, introducing them to the spiritual teachings which have helped millions of people to cope with present day of life. And, like his previous works, it will be source of comfort and inspiration to Dr. Rampa's countless followers in very corner of the globe... |
x | 1971 | ? | ? | ? | Not found yet | 16e Feeding the Flame |
15(4) | 1977 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- | 0552104167 |
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17e I believe This book will tell of life before birth, life on Earth and the passing from Earth and return to Life Beyond.... This is Lobsang Rampa seventeenth book. In previous books he has written about his early life, his training at he Lamasery and his battles against the forces of evil in the world. Now, in response to overwhelming requests from his devoted followers all over the world, he has set down his beliefs about life after death - the testimony of a remarkable teacher that bring comfort to this countless readers and shed the light of inspiration on this the greatest of human mysteries. |
10 | 1971 | 20 jul 2002 | €6.50 |
NL |
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18e De Heremiet. Ervaring van een Tibetaanse Monnik Een jonge monnik ging op zoek naar een oude, blinde heremiet die in een moeilijk bereikbare spelonk leefde en daar een teruggetrokken en mediterend bestaan leide. De jonge monnik hoopte iets van zijn wijsheid deelachtig te worden. "Toen ik jong was", vertelde de kluizenaar,"'had ik vele pijnlijke ervaringen. Ik verliet de heilige stad Lhasa en doolde blind rond. Ziek, bewusteloos en op sterven werd ik gevonden en ergens heen gebracht - ik weet niet waar naar toe - en ontving de opdracht mij op deze dag voor te bereiden. Wanneer ik mijn kennis aan u heb kunnen overdragen is mijn levenswerk voltooid en kan ik in vrde gaan naar de hemelse velden. Een uur later zat de jonge monnik tegenover de oude man, te luisteren naar dit even boeiende als ongewonen verhaal |
x | 1971 | ? | ? | ? |
Not found yet |
18e The Hermit |
11(4) | 1972 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- | 0552088803 |
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19e The Thirteenth Candle The dying man yerked and then collapsed. His body twitched and lay still. The lama nodded again to the acolyte, who touched flame to the third stick of incense...'Spirit now released from the suffering body, said the lama, 'pay attention before setting out on your your journey, pay attention for i shall detail to you the steps you must take and the path you must follow...' The fourth stick of incense was lit and the smoke trailed upwards as if it had been drawn in blue-grey chalk, straight as a pillar in the almost airless room...
14(4) | 1976 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- | 0552100870 |
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20e As it was!
(Tibet) The Chief Astrologer of Tibet had been summoned to proclaim the horoscope of the six-year old Lobsang, son of Lord and Lady Rampa. Is was the most difficult reading, the hardest life he had ever encountered, the old main said. The boy was going to learn journey to china to study medicine in the Western style. He would know immense suffering and dreadful hardship, travel in many countries, be unjustly imprisoned. But above all, the boy's lonely destiny would be to carry out a great task of the utmost importance to all humanity - and evil forces would work against him to thwart his efforts... AS IT WAS! is a fasinating account of the life and achievements of a remarkable man. It will bring solace and inspiration to the countless followers of Lbsang Ramapa in every part of the world. |
x | 1980 | ? | ? | ? | Not found yet | 21e My visit to venus |
. | . | . | . | .. | . | . |
1(4) | 1974 | 18 jan 2003 | €3,- |
055210261 |
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Mama Sanra-abrampa
(His wife) ... by Mama San's account of life with her famous husband and their beloved Siamese cats, Miss Ku'ei, Fifi, Sindhi the Baby cat, Cleo and Taddy will make engaging feline way into your affections: cat-lovers everywhere will enjoy the entertaining descriptions of these fascinating cat people and their pranks. Mama San, like her husband, is both wise and compassionate, and her gentle philosophy of life will afford comfort and inspiration to be countless followers of T. Lobsang Rampa... |
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